Monday, February 26, 2018

2017 Winter Capsule Wardrobe + Closet Tour

I've learned so much form this capsule challenge already that I continue to dress this way.  This is my winter capsule, the way I build it, every piece that went in it and why I might part with some items.

Each time I finish a capsule season, I return with more clarity and contentedness.

I started capsule dressing for emotional clarity and to put and end to negative self talk. You know how that goes: "I have nothing to wear, nothing looks good, nothing feels good...I'm probably too fat or not pretty enough to wear this." 
But by having a select number of items I'm able to have a good look at item and over time pair down my collection of clothes to things that are comfortable to wear and make me feel good. 

I realized that for me Project 333 is not a quick fix to a tidy closet.  It's not my intention to be a fashion plate in the end, but feeling whole, healthy and beautiful while being financially and environmentally responsible.  This will be a journey for sure and right now I'm having fun documenting it! 

-With my first capsule I was able to create a decision free closet by choosing to wear only my very favourite pieces that I owned at that time.

-Next, correct fit and comfort took priority.
-Eventually, only my favourite colors and pattern were allowed to stay and I was much happier.
-In my second year of capsule dressing, I made an effort to source new items second hand or from sustainable brands.
-I also discovered my preference for natural fibre clothing. It was those pieces that I kept wearing the most because they felt good on my skin.  Then I learned about toxins in certain fabrics and the microfibre pollution from synthetic clothes.  I will now think about the fabric when I purchase clothing.
-I know that I learn more with each capsule season and that I understand what I need. 

This video shows how I set up my capsule, how I select clothes from my belongings and how I store away the rest.

The second video shows all the items that I selected for my winter capsule and I share some reflection of four items that were not successful this capsule season.

I'm not sure what I'll learn next.  At the moment I have fewer wishes for new clothes because I'm doing well with what I have, but I do feel a shift coming.
I see the value and beauty in natural fibre clothing and I have been more interested in building an outfit rather than just throwing on clothes.
I feel like I can be more creative because I have fewer problem pieces and more items that I just love 100%.  Maybe the shift will be learning to put together an outfit.  It could be my style going from plain and boring to a way of dressing that's simple but also beautiful.  One can only hope.

Regardless of my aspirations, here's my winter selection:

J A C K E T S   (4)
1 - black peacoat
2 - olive green parker
3 - grey heated vest
4 - navy blue blazer

S H O R T   S L E E V E   T O P S   (1)
5 - white/blue striped shirt

L O N G   S L E E V E   T O P S   (10)
6 - black mockneck shirt
7 - red mockneck shirt 
8 - red buffalo check peplum flannel
9 - navy blue v-neck sweater
10 - flowy navy cardigan
11 - dark blue cardigan
12 - chambray button down
13 - navy blue shirt
14 - cream knit sweater
15 - fleece sweater
16 - white mochneck sweater

D R E S S E S   (1)
17 - navy blue pleated dress

B O T T O M S   (5)
18 - white jeans
19 - indigo jeans
20 - mid wash mom jeans
21 - black slacks
22 - navy maxi skirt

S H O E S   (4)
23 - black chunky heel boots
24 - white tennis shoes
25 - black boots NICORA
26 - black lace up heeled boots NICORA

A C C E S S O R I E S   (6)
27 - everyday jewelry
28 - sunglasses
29 - black scarf
30 - black beanie
31 - black skinny belt
32 - black gloves
33 - ???

That's it.  What has been your experience with capsule dressing?  What has been the most surprising discovery for you?  I’d love to hear your thoughts if you care to share.  For more information on the concept of capsule dressing, I recommend visiting Courtney Carver's website (linked here). 

I hope you enjoyed having a look around my winter capsule and in my closet!  
See you in Spring!!!

   ♡ Nina

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