Sunday, December 29, 2019

2020 New Years Goals for Intentional Living

Happy almost New Year friends!  If you've been following this blog for any length of time then you know I like to start the year with lots of new goals.  And this year is no different.  

It's also the start of a new decade so I might be extra excited.  I have a big long list of goals... but I think the goals are reasonable and as you may know I'm not the kind that abandons her goals within weeks.  I often joke that I don't really have an impressive skill, except for consistency and not giving up.  
And so New Years is a time when I give my little superpower new fuel. 🙃

MOTIVATION is what gets you started
HABIT is what keeps you going.
~ Jim Ryun

I'm under no illusion the turn of the year means everything magically changes and gets better.  I'll have to work on those changes.  But January 1st nicely provides the enthusiasm to dream up and implement a few new micro habits.  
All I have to do is to use that puny superpower of mine. ðŸ˜ƒðŸ¤£

If you like goal setting as much as I do, let's set some goals now... or have a peek at my list if you're looking for inspiration.

 M Y   2 0 2 0   G O A L S 

Since 2016 my New Years goals always had a big zero waste focus.  2020 will be no different.   There are specific green goals, but I also like to think that mindfulness and sustainability aspects are sprinkled in on all my goals.

G R E E N   D R E A M S

- seasonal cleanups (4 total)
Just as last year I want to participate in environment cleanups throughout the year.  If I can't join an organized event, I will encourage others to join me or venture out on my own to clean up in my neighborhood.

- favor thrifted natural fibers clothing and goods (when making purchases) 

- gentle activism: SLC Zero Waste

- grocery shopping with a list (to avoid food waste and to stay in budget)

- read books about sustainable living (4 total)

- disengage from plastics whenever possible (for health and environmental reasons).  
This is an ongoing effort of mine and my goals isn't being plastic free.  Plastic has its uses.  But not everything is best when it's made from plastic.  If I'm buying, thrifting, creating or replacing something, I will prefer a plastic free option (if it's sensible).  These have been my intentions for the past few years.  To take the plastic purge a step further, I will actively remove one bit of plastic from my life once a week.

(Christmas morning table: hand written note, family heirloom silverware, family heirloom toy-chest functioning as coffee table, hand-sewn cloth napkins from recycled fabric that once wrapped my birthday present...  But here comes my unpopular opinion:  Please don't wrap gifts in fabric to be zero waste.  It's a nice idea, but unless the person asked for that specific fabric, they might not have a use for it.  It might just become clutter in their home or worse get thrown out.  I like a good practical sewing project, but normally I don't like green for my home decor and this gift of nice fabric felt like an obligation.  What will I do with it?  In the end, I'm happy I was able to make it work after all.)

G E T T I N G   C R E A T I V E

cook through Chloe Coscarelli's book FLAVOR 
I have never cooked through a book front to back before and I'm excited.

- daily memory planning with photos (a private endeavor) 

- blogging: once a month

- YouTube: 1 videos per month (make and keep up a workflow routine)

- add or create something WHITE each month
I'm setting this goal because I'm having a difficult time creating the light and airy aesthetics that I enjoy.  Maybe you are one of these people that can think about creating something and then you go and create just that: draw, take a photo, set a table, remodel a room, create a capsule wardrobe.  With me something happens in the creative process in which I deviate from my vision and what I'm creating is layered, complicated, detailed and crayon colored. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm not sure why this is the case.  In 2019 I had great success by adding something white each month and I will therefore repeat my efforts this year.

- monochrome dressing. 
I'm sure you all have seen that chic grandma whose outfit and accessories are all beautiful coordinated and matching. Yes, grandma style, that is the look I’m aiming for this year 🙈
I'm trying to implement this while of course continuing to keep a seasonal capsule wardrobe.  I love Project 333 and I'm not done learning from the process.

- sewing (creating useful items with 100% natural fiber fabrics)

(I made this pillows last summer and recently decided to remove the polyester pillow inserts and create new ones with a zipper from recycled cotton scallop bags.  My husband rescues these beautiful pillow size bags for me from the restaurant he works at.  They are normally thrown away after briefly transporting sea scallops from the dock to the restaurant... in this specific case, the bags are only used a few hours.  They are soft and pretty without any smell after a single wash-cycle with mild biodegradable soap.)

P E R S O N A L   D E V E L O P M E N T

- daily 15 minute clean
- make the bed each morning
- wake up at 6.30AM
- practice yoga
          January Adrienne with Yoga Challenge
          take outdoor yoga classes in the summer
- cutting garlic and onions completely from my diet without making exceptions!!!
(I might talk about this in more detail in a separate post.)

S E E K   A D V E N T U R E

- create a bucket list for 2020

- participate in the 52 Hike Challenge
I know about myself that I'm happiest when I'm seeing and learning something new.  I don't have the health or the money to travel the world, but I can seek out mini adventures that fill my heart just as much.  Last year I attempted the 52 Hike Challenge with the added challenge to document it in video format.  You can find the adventures I documented in my 52 Hike Challenge Playlist.
The challenge got me to venture outside every single week and I loved it, but I feel like I failed since I didn't film and share all the adventures. 🙈
I won't put that much pressure on me this year.  In 2020 I plan to complete the 52 Hike Challenge again and I will only make a video of my adventures if I feel inspired to do so.

- dreaming of streaming
My very last goal this year is something my husband and I have been working towards in the past three years: buying an Airstream travel trailer to live as you would in a home.  And we are so close to realizing our dream.  But before that my goal is to put some more effort into it by creating and working on monthly goals that will make it possible to start living in an Airstream by the end of the year.  Yeah, there I said it.  We are buying an Airstream in 2020.  Fingers crossed 2020 will be good to us 🤞

I'm so excited about these changes!  Are you a goal setter also?  
Please feel free to leave me a comment if you have any tips for me or if you would like to share your new years goals.  

Happy New Year everyone!  Take good care

   ♡ Nina


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