Sunday, October 4, 2020

MINIMALISM SERIES: Car Kit - For Minor Inconveniences

With this post I will start a new minimalism series on my blog:  

Lists of all kinds.

In this first one I wanted to share what I keep in the car to deal with emergencies, or in a more practical sense, the minor inconveniences that make me want to dig into this 'emergency' kit.  Nuisances like bugs, minor boo-boos, aches, and gear to help me weather the elements if I find myself unprepared. 

All items are nicely kept in this tiny red box.  This way I can keep other storage compartments in the car clear of clutter and don't misplace or scatter items throughout the car.

I'm an avid planner and list maker and I have a notebook full of lists for intentional living that help me navigate all sorts of situations. 

But lately, I've been thinking that these lists could be more practical if they lived online on my blog.  They might come in handy for others, serve as inspiration or jumping off point to to create a similar system.  But most realistically, it's a way for me to catalog my ideas online so that my husband and I can reference them whenever we like 😃


⃞  sunscreen
⃞  insect repellant
⃞  headache medication
⃞  Nina's asthma medication
⃞  cough drops
⃞  period products
⃞  mineral spritz deodorant
⃞  lip balm
⃞  rain poncho
⃞  Covid masks (x2)
⃞  a clean rag
⃞  pen, permanent marker, mini notebook and scissors
⃞  $30 emergency cash:  $20 + $5 + $1 (x5)
⃞  lighter
⃞  flashlight (batteries kept separate)
⃞  bar soap
⃞  sanitary towelettes
⃞  creams: anti-itch cream, antibiotic ointment, rash cream
⃞  digestive enzyme supplement 
⃞  several small bandages
⃞  elastic support bandage
⃞  sterile gauze wrap 
⃞  adhesive tape
⃞  antiseptic wipes
⃞  toilet paper (1 portion)

♡ Nina

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