Sunday, September 6, 2020

My Fall Capsule Wardrobe 2020 🍂

This capsule came together incredibly fast on the last day of August.  It was hot that day and I was hesitant to add as many sweaters and jackets to my closet.  Then the very next week the weather shifted and I was immediately in need of all my warm weather gear.  This could not have worked out any better. 

The other things of note is that this capsule was created after reading the new book about capsule dressing: Courtney Carver's book Project 333

This very book inspired to make the following list after reading the chapter discussing 'boredom.' 

I liked this part of the book very much and I highlighted the following hard hitting lines from it:

"If you're worried about being bored with a small capsule wardrobe or are currently bored with your big wardrobe, please consider that clothing might not be the issue" (page 101).

"Here's a radical idea: Another thing you could do with your boredom is sit with it. I know sitting with feelings and emotions instead of fixing them sounds unreasonable and overwhelming but sometimes that's all they ask of you. When you're sad, be sad. When you're frustrated, be frustrated. When you're bored, be bored. This too shall pass " (page 104).

If I had to edit the chapter from the book, I would not refer to it as boredom, but dissatisfaction. It rings more true to me as I never really felt just bored with my wardrobe.  Especially before capsule dressing, I did not like what was going on in my closet and I didn't love wearing most of what I owned, but I also had no idea why this was the case and what to do about it.  Now, since capsule dressing I certainly have figured out what I like and what makes me feel comfortable, but a wardrobe isn't a constant. My body changes, the season change and clothes will wear out and need replacing. I still have to make seasonal wardrobe decisions and purchases because of it and dissatisfaction with what I have is an emotion I have to grapple with.

So, this following list shows examples of how I work through my dissatisfaction and how you can too.

19 practical things to do when you’re dissatisfied with your wardrobe

- Put on a favorite outfit today even if there is no occasion or no one sees you. Dress for yourself and this moment and not for ’special’ occasions.

- Reset and organize your closet.  Clean, vacuum, fold and hang everything nicely.

- Review the underwear, socks, sleep- and activewear situation: Launder, cull what’s stained and worn our beyond help, and then create an organized set up.

- Do all your laundry and put it away beautifully.

- Tackle extra cleaning projects, like removing stains or whitening whites.

- Deep clean the shoes.

- Mend clothing that is in need of repair.

- Remove lint, fuzz and (pet) hair from, sweaters, coats and pants.

- Remove ugly tags from your clothing pieces.

- Store pieces of clothing you’re not excited to wear right now in a box or suitcase and store it out of sight for a season or two. This way you can ‘shop your stash’ and be excited about old favorites or make decisions about donating.

- Photograph your closet setup (and possibly off-season storage).

- Build outfits instead of just throwing on clothes to get dressed. For example, decide and lay out an outfit before going to bed.  Ask a friend, sibling or spouse to dress you for the day.

- Accessorize the outfit (preferably with things you already own). Adding a scarf, jewelry, or coordinating the color of your shoes with the outfit and/or a belt or handbag. 

- Style your hair as if it was part of the outfit. This can make a big difference and it’s also a fun way to learn new ways to do one’s hair.

- Participate in a capsule challenge, such as Project333 or the 10x10 Challenge.

- Read a book about capsule dressing, such as The Curated Closet by Anuschka Rees (or her other book about body neutrality Beyond Beautiful.

- Create a closet inventory list.  Even a very simple list bring clarity and get’s rid of the guesswork of what’s really hiding in the closet. (I had to do some major reflection on items I held on to which I also did not seem worthy of my visual inventory list.)

- Declutter unloved pieces of clothing and donate them.

- Write a wishlist of clothing.  This isn’t so much of a shopping list , but a brainstorming list you can add to, check thing off or cross items off that are no longer a relevant.  A simple list like this allows for reflection and can aid to make purchases more intentional.  

↓ Here is this years selection for fall! ↓

2 0 2 0   F A L L   C A P S U L E   W A R D R O B E

(I mark 'new' additions to my capsule with a * and new second hand pieces with **.  I don't count accessories towards the 33 pieces of my capsule, but I will list them here anyways.)

J A C K E T S   (5)
1 - tan peacoat
2 - long tan cardigan
3 - white jean jacket * 
4 - cropped jean jacket
5 - tan cardigan

S H O R T   S L E E V E   T O P S   (6)
6 - white camisole
7 - printed blouse
8 - white with blue striped t-shirt
9 - olive green graphic t-shirt
10 - black linen tunic
11 - white 'adventure' top

L O N G   S L E E V E   T O P S   (5)
12 - black v-neck sweater
13 - tan sweater
14 - light pink sweater
15 - white thermal top
16 - white embroidered blouse *

D R E S S E S   +   S K I R T S   (4)
17 - white lace dress
18 - red maxi dress
19 - navy blue dress
20 - leopard print silk skirt

B O T T O M S   (6)
21 - white jeans
22 - high waisted jeans **
23 - black pants
24 - black linen jumpsuit
25 - tan shorts
26 - jean bermuda shorts

S H O E S   (4)
27 - white sneakers **
28 - pink flats
29 - tan heeled boots
30 - black boots

A C C E S S O R I E S   (4)

- everyday jewelry (birthday necklace *)
- tortoiseshell sunglasses 
- teal handbag
- white scarf

I hope you found some inspiration from my capsule.
Have a peaceful summer.
   ♡ Nina

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