Sunday, May 31, 2020

My Summer Capsule Wardrobe 2020 ⛱

June 1st is the start of my summer capsule wardrobe.
And this is actually my 19th capsule as I have consecutively dressed with Project 333's seasonal capsule system since the fall of 2015.
To summarize the capsule system, it's dressing with the same 33 pieces of clothing for 3 months at a time.
It's working for me as provides me with a comfortable structure that makes the whole mess of getting dressed easier.
I feel so much better when I'm dressing with the curated pieces of a capsule wardrobe, so to me, capsule dressing is an act of self-care.

I a love that I somehow get to learn something new about myself with each capsule.
It's a gentle nudge that lets me know what isn't working or doesn't feel right.
And it gives me the opportunity to do better when I start my next capsule. 

Because we are in the midst of a global pandemic, shopping for clothes because it would be nice to switch things up seems inappropriate.
So this capsule will not have any new or thrifted additions.

And frankly, I'm not happy about it.  
In the beginning of the year, I reviewed the notes of my last summer capsule and I planned to get 2 or 3 linen pieces.  
I was so excited for these new additions.  
I love the 2 linen pieces I already have and I looked forward to wear more linen this summer.

Since following the capsule method, I dress with 33 pieces each season and I usually add 2 or 3 'new' things in the mix. 
For various reasons I only made essential purchases during the main part of the lockdown.  Now I'm holding back on making clothing purchases because I don't like how upset I get when I can't consume as I normally do, as minimal as that may be.  I feel there is more to unpack, so I will sit it out.

Which brings me to this new summer capsule, all the plans I had for it and the lesson I already see coming.

Does anyone struggle with wanting to buy or thrift, but the current pandemic highlights concerns with previous behavior pattern?  For me, even thrifting 'new' clothes 4 times a year and dropping off unwanted pieces means that I have some pretty wasteful practices.  My habits tell me that I see clothes as disposable 🙈
I'm a consumer constantly cycling through stuff instead of buying for keeps (or until it breaks).  Like I said, I will take the coming months to reflect on that. 

         "We teach best what we most need to learn."            

                                                 by Richard Bach  

This capsule really wants me to practice with I preach:
  • slow and simple living
  • and mindful consumerism

I will take this to heart.  Let the topic roll around in my head this summer.  Read about it.  And then I will come up with a plan for moving forward.

Now, for the good news, assembling my summer capsule took me about an hour.  
That's not too bad for a whole capsule shift and wardrobe organization.

First I reviewed what I had in my 2019 Summer Capsule Wardrobe and the notes I added at the end of that summer season.  I determined which items I wanted in this years capsule.

After this selection, I still had a lot of open slots and it was time to handle my clothes and determine the rest by feel.
I took all the clothes from the Spring capsule from my closet and sorted the pieces into the ones that would go back into the closet and the pieces that I wanted to store away for another season.

Next, I opened my box that holds my out of season clothing and shoes.

I took each pieces out in order to see if I was excited to include it into my new capsule.  Again, I added to the  piles of pieces that had potential for my summer capsule and a pile for clothes heading back into the off-season box.

Once I worked through all my clothes, I packed my off-season box and then worked on finalizing capsule selections.

At this step, I might try on a piece to check the fit or how well it coordinates with other pieces that I've selected for this capsule.  Once I have my doubts about fit and styling worked out, I pop everything neatly back into my closet, take a final count and write down my capsule pieces.

↓ Here is this list! ↓

2 0 2 0   S U M M E R   C A P S U L E   W A R D R O B E

(Normally I mark 'new' additions to my capsule in the following manner: new items are marked with a *, second hand pieces with **, sewn***. I don't count accessories towards the 33 pieces of my capsule, but I will list them here anyways.)

J A C K E T S   (3)
1 - long tan cardigan
2 - jean jacket
3 - tan cardigan

S H O R T   S L E E V E   T O P S   (7)
4 - white camisole
5 - printed blouse
6 - white with blue striped t-shirt
7 - black linen tunic
8 - white lace blouse
9 - white printed button down 
10 - white 'adventure' top

L O N G   S L E E V E   T O P S   (2)
11 - black sweater
12 - white 'adventure' shirt
D R E S S E S   +   S K I R T S   (7)
13 - white with brown striped bow dress
14 - white lace dress
15 - cream flower maxi dress
16 - navy blue mini dress
17 - white eyelet lace skirt
18 - leopard print silk skirt
19 - jean mini skirt

B O T T O M S   (5)
20 - white jeans
21 - high waisted jeans
22 - black linen jumpsuit
23 - tan shorts
24 - jean bermuda shorts

S H O E S   (6)
25 - tan sneakers
26 - pink flats
27 - brown sandals
28 - white block heel sandals
29 - tan heeled boots
30 - black hiking sandals

A C C E S S O R I E S   (5)

- everyday jewelry
- tortoiseshell sunglasses 
- black, brown and white belts
- teal handbag
- light olive outdoor hat

I hope you found some inspiration from my capsule.
Have a peaceful summer.
   ♡ Nina

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